Decal letters
Glue gun
2 - Onesies
1. Draw a triangle pattern on a piece of paper with a ruler. Cut out the triangle pattern (mine is 12" long and 10" wide at the top).
2. Place the pattern on the burlap (pin if you need to) and cut as many pieces as you need.
3. Cut the ribbon the length you need.
4. Hot glue the burlap pennants to the ribbon. Space a couple of inches a part.
5. Add vinyl letter decals to the pennant. I placed one 5" vinyl letter on each pennant. The letters are a brown color. You could also stencil or hand-paint letters on the pennants.
6. String the onesies onto the ribbon on each end - kind of like book ends:).
This pennant banner would also be great with the babies name for a baby shower or a childs name for a birthday party.