"This room soon became my favorite room in our home! It was a labor of love with plenty of hunting for the perfect accessories and tiny touches to make it feel special! My design attitude shines in our little girls nursery! I believe anyone can have a stylish room on any budget! Many of my favorite features in this room were thrift store finds, clearance section deals and "DIY" projects! Jaw dropping design tricks fool everyone who comes to see where my "Charlie Bug" snuggles in for the night! This tiny nursery has big effect without feeling too cramped with over styled detail!
The entire room was centered around the Window Treatment! I fell in love with the Print and color pallet the moment I saw it and would you believe it's a simple Table Runner I found at Pier 1 Imports!!! It's my first example of creative decorating! Re purposing things that you would have never imagined using in a room is my specialty! I simply sewed on ribbon and tied them to Iron Medallions I spray painted red!
Also while cruising the Table lined section in Pier 1 I came across Coordinating Cloth Napkins marked down to .78 cents each!!! I snagged as many as I could and set out to create the Crib Dust Ruffle and Throw pillow I used on the Rocking chair. I love how the fray detail on the napkins adds texture to the dust ruffle and Pillow!
The yellow Book Case was a fun and easy project. We picked up the Book Case at a local Thrift store for $8. We loved it's interesting shelves! I painted it with one of my "Oop's Paints" called "February Gold" by Berh I had on hand that I picked up at Home Depo for $1. Oops Paint is paint a store will sell at a discount because it was wrongly tinted or returned!! It's a great way to save money! I distressed the Book Case with my favorite Raulph Lauren Glaze treatment in Tobacco. Check out this link for my furniture refinishing tutorial with all my best tricks and tips...http://bluecricketdesign.blogspot.com/2009/07/furniture-refinishing.html You'll notice that I also used those Cloth Napkins to make simple Curtains! Spring loaded Curtain Rods make this treatment super simple!
The dresser in the room is a crowning jewel! I found it at my favorite local Consignment store "Home Again" in Midvale, UT! It's the most expensive Piece in this room and a steal for only $175! It's a beautiful Antique with original hardware and charm. If you look close, Lime Green paint peeks through in it's crackle finish! I'm a frequent shopper at Consignment stores! Treasures await you and a single find may inspire an entire rooms theme! The adorable blue cabinet that sits behind the rocker is also a "Home Again" find.
Charlies Crib is a family hand me down form her two other sisters! I can't bare to let her go! The fitted sheet in Teal Ghingham was bought at Target. I kept it simple and didn't bother with a bumper. I didn't want it to make the room feel heavy. The green rug was picked up on clearance from Target as well! A $7 punch of color!
The Shadow boxes were picked up as an unfinished three pack from Roberts Craft Store. I spray painted them a soft yellow and lined them with Scrapbook paper. The best thing about this project is that I adhered them to the wall using 3M Command strips. I use these things as often as I can when it comes to hanging light weight frames and art work. They eliminate nails in the walls and it makes spacing a breeze!
Small accessories pepper the room! A refinished crate! My $4 retro Resin Framed Mirror from a Thrift Store! Childrens books and my favorite tiny detail...a photo of my mom as a baby! Each add color and sentiment!"