- Do you love design and decorating - especially for babies, kids and teens?
- Are you an idea junkie for kids' design, decorating and party ideas?
- Do you enjoy creating and making DIY projects?
- Would you like to inspire others and share your ideas with tens of thousands of readers each month?
I'm looking for a few talented folks who would like to be contributors for Design Dazzle. If you would like to be featured on our blog with your photo and bio, and are interested in becoming a featured contributor, please email Toni(at)designdazzle (dot)com for details.
Also, thank you for visiting and reading Design Dazzle! I especially appreciate all the comments posted on my blog and all the wonderful emails I receive. It's been quite a joy seeing all the creative endeavors that end up in my inbox. I love showcasing the talents of so many - thank you for sharing!!
I'm also very grateful for all the write-ups and shout-outs for Design Dazzle on your blogs and websites. All of you inspire me!