Hi everyone! My name is Erin and I'm the DIY wannabe behind How to Nest for Less!
I'm excited to be back again guest blogging with Toni at Design Dazzle! Hope you guys enjoy my latest project!
So winter isn't even close to being over and the kiddos are already bored with the same ol' stuff. So what's a mommy to do? Create some Winter Games Activity Sticks!
First I gathered all of my supplies:
- White tin jar
- Scrapbook paper
- Wooden craft sticks
- Spray adhesive
- Elmer's glue
- Hot glue gun
- Alphabet stickers
- Print out of 30+ activities
First thing I did was spray 10 wooden craft sticks to three different colors of paper (30 sticks total) using spray adhesive.
Now it's time to finish the activity sticks that were set aside for drying. I used an exacto knife to trim out the straight sides and a pair of small scissors to cut the rounded edges.
I then created a Word doc of 30 activities and printed it out in a cute font. I trimmed them out and used Elmer's glue to adhere them to the ends of the activity sticks.
Also, if you don't feel like tracing out the scrapbook paper to adhere to the wooden sticks, you can always buy colored ones from Hobby Lobby or other craft store!
Here is a list of the 30 activities I used!
- Playdoh
- Barbies
- Candyland
- Chutes & Ladders
- Glue & Tape
- Paper Dolls
- Baby Dolls
- Watercolors
- Crayons
- Paper Bag Puppets
- Sock Puppets
- Paint Rocks
- Build a Fort
- Watch a Movie
- Play the Piano
- Tea Party
- Dance
- Play Restaurant
- Treasure Hunt
- Bake Something
- Manicure/Pedicure
- Look at Photo Albums
- Dress Up
- Read Nursery Rhymes
- Indoor Picnic
- Play Charades
- Play School
- Finger Painting
- Make Paper Hats
- Make Ornaments
Thanks for letting me share a new project with you today! I hope you guys enjoyed it and can't wait to share another adventure with you next month.
And Toni, thanks so much for inviting me to Design Dazzle for the day!
Much ♥ to everyone, Erin
Erin is a St. Louis based designer, wife, mother and author of the blog