Thursday, January 26, 2012

Canvas Dance Bag: Create a Stencil Using Stickers!

Hi everyone! My name is Erin and I'm the DIY wannabe behind How to Nest for Less!
I'm excited to be back again blogging with Toni at Design Dazzle! Hope you guys enjoy my latest project!

My little four year old daughter currently takes ballet and it's the CUTEST thing ever! I wanted to create a little dance bag so she can tote around her ballet slippers and THIS is what I came up with! 

Last week I found a canvas drawstring back from Michael's for $1! I knew I could turn it into something fabulous with some supplies I already had on hand: paint and a couple flower embellishments I had leftover from my daughter's bedroom lamp makeover.

I decided to stencil this bag with various dance phrases & ballet images, but couldn't find the perfect stencil...nor did I want to spend the money. Then the AHA moment came! I could print out some stickers on my Silhouette Cameo and use the negative side (the backing) as a stencil! Come see what I'm talking about...

I laid out my design on the computer and then cut it out on my Silhouette Cameo. If you don't have something similar, you can just find some different ballet or dance stickers from your local hobby store. Just peel out the stickers so the backing looks like this...

 Place the backing from the sticker onto your canvas bag.

Now it's time to pick your colors and start painting! I used a small foam brush to apply the paint. Just dab lightly until you fill in the stencil.

Let the paint dry and then peel up the sticker stencil. I also added a couple flower embellishments with my hot glue gun to fill in some empty spaces from my design.

 And that's it! A super cute & unique dance bag for your darling daughter!

The best part? I already had the paint, flowers and sticker material at home. I just had to purchase the canvas bag from Michael's. A ONE DOLLAR PROJECT! No need to spend money; try to use the tools you have on hand for fast & fun projects!

Thanks for letting me share a new project with you today! I hope you guys enjoyed it and can't wait to share another adventure with you next month. And Toni, thanks so much for inviting me to Design Dazzle for the day!

Much ♥ to everyone, Erin
 Erin is a St. Louis based designer, wife, mother and author of the blog 

How to Nest for Less.



I'm choosing my favorites from last weeks link up party to feature at our link up tonight at 12:01 AM EST or 9:01 PM PST. 

Share your awesomeness!