Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Color of the Year 2012: Tangerine Tango

It is the wonderful start to a brand new year and I am so happy to be here today!

One of the most exciting things (in my opinion) that happens every year in December, is that Pantone (the world's leader in color forecasting) announces the "Color of the Year!"

I think this is actually my 3rd post on Design Dazzle to talk about the Color of the Year!  Wow!  I seriously can hardly believe it!!  (You can read all about 2010 Turquoise here, and 2011 Honeysuckle here)

So if you haven't read one of my previous posts about the Color of the Year, here is a little background...

Every year Pantone predicts which color will become greatly popular during the upcoming year.  And what happens from there is simply amazing...

First you will see the color appear in the fashion industry like clothing, shoes, purses, jewelry etc.  Next this color will start to show up in the home industry like mixing bowls, measuring spoons, pillows, curtains even wall paint.  If the color does extremely well, you will see it pop up in the electronic industry which means you will start to see this color on phones, tablets and even computers!  And finally (depending on the success of the color and its suitability) possibly the auto industry.

Isn't that just amazing!

For 2012, Pantone has chosen this to be the Color of the Year: Tangerine Tango.


Isn't is pretty?

Tangerine Tango is a vibrant red-orange color that is just beautiful in my opinion!  It is bold and dramatic!  Tangerine Tango is energetic and passionate!  And Tangerine Tango is already beginning to pop-up in our lives!  Here are a few examples of Tangerine Tango:

I personally think that Tangerine Tango will be wildly popular this year!  But I want to know what you think?  Would you incorporate Tangerine Tango into your wardrobe or home decor, and to what extent?

Ashley Phipps is an Interior Designer, NCIDQ #25242,
living in the Indianapolis area, and author of the blog Simply Designing.  You can follow Ashley at her blog Simply DesigningFacebook and Twitter