Santa in front of our Christmas tree. He's probably checking his list to find out if we've been naughty or nice ; ). What a fun tradition to do every year and then look back on the different pictures!! Your kids will be talking about Santa visiting their home for years!
Here's my before picture.
This is how easy it is to do.....
How fun would it be to try and show Proof of Santa's Visit in your home?!? Just before bedtime on Christmas Eve - have your kids help you set up your camera on a tripod or on a desk/counter. Mention to your kids if Santa appears the camera will automatically take his picture. Of course, if your child still believes...this will be easy to pass off. After the kids are sleeping, take the photo you really want to use and upload it to the company's website. Make sure to delete the camera image - just in case your child looks at the camera (you don't want an image of your family room on the camera without Santa in the pic). This site has several great features on this website - you can resize Santa, brighten, contrast, etc to make it look like he is really in your home. Print out the picture and show your family the next morning...what an awesome surprise. I wish my kids were young enough to pull this off. For $9.95 you're able to do 3 different pictures. The account set-up will expire in one year - create 1 or 2 pictures this year and another next year. Great deal!
Fun items for Christmas...
Personalized Santa Key

Santa Clues - Proof of Santa's Visit
I absolutely LOVE this so much that this is a repost from last year. I hope you like it.

Personalized Santa Key
Santa Clues - Proof of Santa's Visit
I absolutely LOVE this so much that this is a repost from last year. I hope you like it.