Monday, November 7, 2011

Anthropologie-Inspired Flower Lamp Shade

Hi everyone! My name is Erin and I'm the DIY wannabe behind How to Nest for Less!

I'm excited to be back for my second guest blogging post with Toni at Design Dazzle! Hope you guys enjoy!

So I first spotted this gorgeous flowered lamp shade below from Anthropologie a couple of weeks ago on Pinterest. Priced at $98, I knew I could easily create something similar for MUCH less!
And I know just the place... my daughter's plain jane pink lamp shade.

First thing I did was gather my supplies. I purchased some Recollections floral embellishments from Michael's using my 40% off coupons (one package of pink flower, one package of small white flowers and one package of green leaves).

I decided to split the package of pink flowers into two separate sections for the lamp shade. I hot glued my first section of pink flowers onto the top left side of the lamp shade.

Next I hot glued some green leaves around the surrounding flowers.

Now it's time to add the second section of flowers. I glued the remaining four flowers on the bottom right-center of the lamp shade.

Then it was time to add some little white flowers throughout my design. Just a small dot of hot glue and I secured them into place.

Wanna see the finished result? I'm so excited to share it with you!

Pretty cute, huh? Here's some detailed shots...

I love how the colors pop against my daughter's stenciled blue wall (you can see the tutorial for that here). LOVIN' this lamp shade! Best of all? Only cost me about $12 after I used my Michael's 40% off coupons!

Thanks for letting me share a new project with you today! I hope you guys enjoyed it and can't wait to share another adventure with you next month.

And Toni, thanks so much for inviting me to Design Dazzle for the day!
Much ♥ to everyone, Erin

 Erin is a St. Louis based designer, wife, mother and author of the blog

How to Nest for Less.


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