Dawn describes how she made R2D2, "I was doing some research for Hill’s upcoming Star Wars birthday party this week and I ran across an everyday waste basket on clearance that possessed a striking resemblance to R2D2. Naturally, I brought him home and commenced the conversion process. Using hot glue, spray paint that adheres to plastic, duct tape in three colors (blue, silver and white), and random household objects I transformed this plastic cast-off into a key Star Wars character.
My R2’s head may not rotate or transmit galactic images of Princess Leia in danger, but this little friend will serve as a great prop for Hill’s special celebration!"
I have to say this is clever, clever!

Make your own r2d2 craft project!

Dawn said, "A Storm Trooper cake was ceremoniously defeated to celebrate the rebel victory".

Yoda Sodas – Mix Lime Sherbet with Sprite - kids love it!
More Star War party ideas....

Official Jedi Robe: Each child was awarded a Jedi robe when they entered the rebel ship (house). This fun Star Wars party created by Marie was featured on
Makes and Takes. How to make a Jedi Robe - instructions found

Pin the Lightsaber on a Jedi – This $5 poster was purchased at a party store and taped to the wall. Little mini paper lightsabers were made for each child. They pick the color and then match it to who it might go to, while wearing a Clone Wars Storm Trooper mask (found at a party store).
An invitation from Tips From A Mom of 3....
Tips From A Mom of 3 describes the invitation, "We made the invites by using a computer program & copy machine. They turned out pretty good! The words were as follows:
In a Galaxy Far, Far away... A boy of destiny was born. The Jedi council named him (child's name) and they knew that he was the chosen one. In the (Child's age) that has followed his birth, he has been learning the powers of the force. Recently though, the Jedi knights have called upon young Padawan (child's name) to seek out Future Jedi. Please come to (child's name) Birthday Party! Your presence is requested on (Date) The trials will begin promptly at (time) at (place) Please Advise the Jedi council asap at (phone number) as to whether you will be accepting the challenge of the trials. May The Force Be With you!" Check out her
site for some fabulous ideas for a Star Wars party.

R2D2 a life like version in cake form! Image from
Fun items for parties...
Star Wars Episode III Shaped Dinner Plates, 8-Count Packages (Pack of 6)