What is a Design Dazzler? de·sign daz·zler: person who dazzles with design and decorating skills.
To explain....I'm choosing 10 posts from my blog to be featured as nominees for our Design Dazzler "Wall of Fame". How do I choose the nominees? If a post/idea received a lot of traffic or a lot of comments or I just thought it was spectacular, you might be a nominee. The winner will be announced as a Design Dazzler and be featured on Design Dazzle.
I will also choose...
My favorite comment left by a reader on my blog.
My favorite linkage love from your blog to mine (blog post mentioning Design Dazzle).
My favorite party
My favorite invitation
My favorite craft
My favorite DIY project
My favorite creative idea
My favorite room project
My favorite top commenter
We will have daily giveaways, discounts for our readers and extra fabulous posts! Look soon for a button to announce the party and to share with your readers.