Cupboard Doors & Chalkboard Doors -------------------------------- Whimsical Girls Room

Baby Nursery On a Budget -------------------------------------- Pink & Brown Girafee

Decorating w/ Scrapbook Paper ---------------------------- Shabby Chic Vintage Nursery

Charming Playhouse -----------------------------------Cream, White & Pink Nursery

Rain Gutter Book Shelves --------------------------------- Navy & White Nursery
I'm excited to announce the Design Dazzler nominees!! Congrats to the top 10! What is a Design Dazzler?
de·sign daz·zler: person who dazzles with design and decorating skills.
So you ask, how did I choose only 10 rooms/ideas to be Design Dazzler nominees? Well, it was very, very difficult - it took me hours and hours to decide the top 10. I don't want to do this again for at least another year : ) There are 400+ posts here on Design Dazzle and this was not easy - I received a major headache trying to figure this out. I tried to be as fair as possible. The following helps explain how I chose the nominees.
What was the criteria to be a Design Dazzler nominee?
1. A good portion of the criteria to be chosen was traffic stats. The past few months I've been checking traffic stats and that is a part of the reason who is listed as nominees. Sometimes what happens is another blogger or forum will link to a blog page and that room/idea receives a lot of hits and attention. Because these rooms/ideas were well liked by others - I felt this was a very fair way of choosing the top 20 posts and I narrowed it down from there. As you can see daily here on Design Dazzle, there's tons of talent here! I certainly didn't realize how hard it would be to choose.
2. I chose nominees who are not paid professionals. Next year we'll have a different category for professionals - interior decorators and designers, etc.
3. As you can see, not all the nominees decorated a room. This contest is all about design and decorating skills - which doesn't always relate to decorating a room. It can also be designing the decor of a room or a great design idea or designing a birthday party, etc. Next year we will have a category for parties and baby showers.
4. Some of the nominees were also chosen not because of just the one post above - but because of several posts or their talents overall.
The Design Dazzler winner will be determined by the most comments made on their post (go directly to their post with the links above) on the Design Dazzle blog. One posted comment equals one vote. The voters (commenters) can say anything they would like about the post and it counts as one vote. Only comments made on each blog post beginning Monday, November 16th and ending Friday, Nov. 20th at 1:00 pm (pacific) will be counted. The winner will be announced sometime in the afternoon on Nov 20th. Only one comment per person daily.
Our top Design Dazzler will win $500 in prizes from some of our blog party sponsors.
AND GUESS WHAT ??? Three voters will also have the chance to win prizes!! A big thanks to our sponsors for also another $500 in prizes to be shared by three voters (commenters)!!!
How to enter: leave a comment on the nominees post you would like to see win the title of Design Dazzler. Please leave a comment on the original blog post - links are featured with each photo above. We will choose 3 winners from those who leave comments. Winner 1 will receive $300 in gift certificates/prizes, winners 2 & 3 will receive $100 each in gift certificates from our blog sponsors. Three voters (commenters) will be chosen by random.org.
LAST RESORT: If for some reason you are not able to leave a comment, email customerservice @designdazzle.com with design dazzler in the subject line. Email me the nominees name or title post to vote. Any emails received will be "added" to the end of the comments.