Do you have any collections you would like to display? If you played with Barbie's as a child, have fun once more with those little designer outfits and accessories. Put them on display in shadow boxes and use scrapbook paper in the back of the shadow box. Double-sided tape is a great way to attach the items to the paper.

Love the wonderful colors in this art hung on a clothesline. Photo from
here.Of course, you don't need templates or frames to create a wall display. You can make an easy, inexpensive photo wall with photos and some removable, restickable tape.
Just pick a word or a shape. You'll need to print anywhere from twenty-five 4" x 6" pictures for a small display up to 100 for a large shape.
You can use colored painting tape as a guide. Or just tape the photos and move them around until they are just right.

Box frames with contents that remind you of special events - from children's toys to special mementos - will make a stunning display.

Artwork hung without picture frames.

Michelle at
Gingham World took this photo of artwork in her daughters room. Michelle says: "I painted all the frames pink then white washed over that a couple of times so that just a bit of pink came through. Then I washed a bit of watered down brown paint over the top to make them look a little old. I laid the whole thing out on the floor and then measured the distances between frames. I made a little map and then hung them".
In any room, but in a child’s room in particular, let the colorful artwork do the talking by choosing soft colored frames. For best effect, hang them on a background that matches the frame color - or one that picks out the colors within the pictures.

Michelle: "In the boys room I found poster frames from Walmart that fit the posters I found at the book fair and then hung them the same distance down from the ceiling and the same distance apart".
Such a great and inexpensive way to hang posters. I like the idea of four posters hung on the wall which makes a bigger impact than one poster hung by itself.