Instructions to Make This Game!
You’ll need:
18 digital images, sized at 2 x 2 inches (if you don’t have photo software, try shrinkpictures.com)
6 sheets ink-jet-printable fabric
1 yard 36-inch-wide wool felt
½ yard 45-inch-wide printed cotton fabric
Acid-free glue stick
Sewing machine
Zigzag pinking shears
1. Print out two copies of each picture on photo fabric; cut out the image, leaving a white border around all sides so that you end up with a 3 x 3-inch square.
2. Cut wool felt into seventy-two 4 x 4-inch squares.
3. Cut printed cotton fabric into thirty-six 4 x 4-inch squares.
4. To make a tile, stack the fabric layers as follows: Place the cotton printed side down. Place two layers of wool felt on top of the cotton. Then center the photo fabric, image side up, on the stack. Before you sew, dot a bit of glue between each layer to hold all four pieces together without pinning (a pin might leave a hole in the photo-fabric layer).
5. Machine-stitch through the tile layers around the outline of the photo. (The bottom layers are a bit larger than the photo fabric, so it’s easy to keep all the layers lined up.)
6. Trim all the layers of the tile at once with pinking shears, leaving a narrow white border around the image.
Instructions from Hallmark.com