I purchased 12 glass dinner plates at where else but the Dollar Store. Delta Perm Enamel paints were used to paint the glass plate. These paints are specially formulate to paint and have a durable finish on tile, glass, ceramic, mirrors, primed metal and more. No heat setting is required. Oven, dishwasher and microwave safe. Non-toxic - cleans up with water.
Step 1
Wash and dry the glass plates.
Step 2
Brush on PermEnamel Surface Conditioner on the BACK side of the plate. Important step!
Place the vinyl witch decal on the BACK side of the glass plate. Sticky side adhered to the BACK of the plate. I purchased 12 vinyl witches (3.5 W x 5" H) from my friend NataLee of NataLee Allen Designs.
Step 4
Paint large black polka dots on the BACK side of the plate around the edge of the plate rim - randomly. Let dry.
Step 5
Paint orange Perm Enamel paint over the witch decal and polka dots (BACK side). Let dry.
Delta PermEnamel Clear Glaze-8oz/Gloss

I hand wash the plates. They've only been used a few times but have cleaned up well. I took a few pictures of the Witch's Tea Party I hosted last year for a group of friends. Some pictures were lost in my computer crash - so I don't have pictures of the table setting using these Halloween plates.
Enter our giveaway for Purse Bling ends Thursday.
Step 6
Paint Clear Glaze over the entire back side of the plate completely covering all the paint. The back of your plate is now completely orange. All the black has been painted over by the orange paint.

I hand wash the plates. They've only been used a few times but have cleaned up well. I took a few pictures of the Witch's Tea Party I hosted last year for a group of friends. Some pictures were lost in my computer crash - so I don't have pictures of the table setting using these Halloween plates.
Enter our giveaway for Purse Bling ends Thursday.