Halloween Party Play Date
While the big ghouls and goblins were at school their little monster siblings parted down in style. Crystal & Mindy from Creative Juice styled a toddler friendly Halloween Party Play date that was nutritious and delicious.

To scare up some fun they made Halloween ghost pops, pumpkin magnets and yummy pumpkin cup cakes. The kids had a blast with the cup cakes...the moms not so much.
The cupcakes were a must to go along with our story time book, "Julius's candy corn." Which is an adorable book about a mouse getting ready for his Halloween party. While he waits for his friends to come he eats all the cupcake toppings. So FUN!

Happy Halloween!
PB&J sandwiches were cut out in fun Halloween shapes along with"spider eggs" (grapes) ,"monster hearts" (strawberries) and adorable little party favors for the little monsters.
================================================= I loved play dates when my kids were younger. Actually, I still love play dates with me and my friends ; )
A big thank you to Crystal & Mindy for sharing such a a fun idea. Check out their I've been booed in Style post and more.