I'm totally in
LOVE with this Halloween save the date free download. As you can see, I'm planning a Witches Tea Party for my friends...more details later. I used this free
download and made some adjustments.

Amy from
Living Locurto is the mastermind behind these save the date downloads. How do you like the look of this dark spookier save the date? Cool huh?

How about a toe tag from the Office of the Medical Examiner for an invitation? Print this invite on cardstock, punch a hole and thread it with a string - easy invite.

Stefanie from Brooklyn Limestone is the genius behind these invitations. Check out her fab
blog for the free download.

Don't have time to carve a pumpkin? Add tacks to make your own design! These clever, easy to design "tacky" pumpkins are from
Poetic Home.

Make your own Halloween luminaries. Use brown paper bags - draw your own design and light brightly. Weigh down your luminary with sand, this will help it from falling over. If you have little kids around, skip the candles. Battery operated candles are a much safer bet. Image from
How cute is this? Halloween banner made by Megity's Handmade blogged about