"Since the sex of the baby was a surprise I wanted to use a mixture of colors in his room. The crib bedding is a combination of red, light blue, yellow, black, white and a hint of light green. My sister had it custom made for her first born who was also a surprise. I was very thankful she saved it for me to use for my baby's room. My home was built in the 1930's and my furniture is transitional, but more on the traditional side so I decided to purchase a traditional crib and dresser for the room. I found the crib and dresser on JCPenney's website and I have been very pleased with the durability and look of the pieces. The crib is my favorite purchase in the room because it is not only function as a crib, but will also convert into a toddler bed and a double bed. The room was already painted beige when we moved in and since I had very little time before the baby was born to design the room so I decided to keep the beige walls. My father-in-law gave us a gorgeous antique rocking chair given to him by his mother. It is sweet to think he was rocked in this chair as a baby. The seat is needle pointed, so in order to keep it from getting destroyed by spit up and such, I draped a blanket over it."

Thanks Sarah - love your artwork and "DREAM" above the crib.