Talented photographer
Danielle Anthony took these nursery photos for Charlotte Baby & Child Magazine. Mural artists painted the underwater room with glittery glaze that gives the effect of being underwater. The mermaid lamp, bed and crib linens and window treatments were custom made.

The entire room, including doors, ceiling and window casements were painted to give the effect of being under the sea. Mom Corey Williams enlisted help to design a wonderful room for her little one. Per Corey, "All the hues are blue, as if you're seeing through water. An octopus peeks out of a treasure chest, mermaids dance around the light fixture, an underwater palace glistens in the distance and King Triton presides over the entire scene from his throne."

For more room photos click
here. Thanks to Danielle for her wonderful photos. Danielle recently moved - so if you live in Oregon and you're in need of a great photographer look her up!