Teacups can be purchased at thrift shops for cheap. Sanitize teacups and use for gift giving containers. Children's school teachers need a valentine too!
Free Valentine printable, "To a Berry Sweet Valentine Have a Berry Sweet Day!" Easy and simple Valentines to create for your very own kids, kids friends and teachers! I've included several different strawberry ideas to use this free printable with:
fresh fruit strawberries
strawberry jam
chocolate dipped strawberries
strawberry mini ice cream
strawberry fruit snacks
strawberry crush
strawberry plant
fruit leather
Add ribbon and strawberry valentine to a carton of strawberries for a simple and darling gift.
Clear bag, ribbon and strawberry fruit snacks.
Need to seal a cello bag to keep food fresh? Check the bottom of the post for an easy, simple idea.
Tulle, strawberry fruit snacks and ribbon. The 3.5 inch scallop circle punch was purchased at Michaels Craft stores. Here is a similar 3-Inch Scallop Circle Punch

Quick and easy - attach the Valentine label directly to strawberry fruit snacks (purchased at Target)
Fun treat for your kids. Attach the valentine printable to the top of a mini ice cream (strawberry, of course!)
Valentine tag attached to strawberry jam
Fresh strawberries placed inside a mason jar makes for a great neighbor, teacher or friend gift.

Add a cute label to a Crush strawberry soda or strawberry plant.
Need to seal a cellophane bag without purchasing an expensive sealer? Use an old curling iron or flat iron. The bags need to be Cello or Cellophane
to work. Cookies, candies, favor items and anything needing to be kept fresh -work well in a sealed bag. Place the items in the cello bag and place the bag between the heated curling iron hold in place 5 - 15 seconds (depending on the temperature). You might need to seal it again if your curling iron isn't hot enough. Beware - flat irons are extremely hot. I turn my flat iron on and then unplug it to let it cool enough that it doesn't melt the cello. The cello bags seem to do better with a flat iron that isn't sizzling hot. Sealing a cello bag with a curling iron is the same premise as using an industrial impulse sealer.