Monday, February 6, 2012

Pinterest & Design Dazzle!

This post maybe of Pinterest to you!! I have a very healthy obsesssion with Pinterest. Do you Pinterest? Not sure, what Pinterest is? Pinterest is an online virtual "bulletin board" known as a pinboard that allows you to create and organize an online "bulletin board" of images you've found on the web. Users create theme-based boards i.e. parties, kids rooms, recipes, quotes, photography, etc. It's fun to browse other pinboards and get inspiration from many who share your interests. If you are a visual person like me, you will LOVE Pinterest. I have 50 pinboards that help me organize pictures and links of ideas I like. Here are a couple of my pinboards...

My kids crafts pinboard:

My Kids Parties pinboard:

My Kids Room Ideas pinboard:

I love collecting amazingly awesome images. 

Are you on Pinterest?

At this time, Pinterest is by invite only, so if you need an invite to Pinterest mention it in the comments and I will send you an invite!

If you have a Facebook account, "like" Design Dazzle and leave me a comment on the Design Dazzle wall with your email address. Use the email address linked to your Facebook or Twitter account. It's important to use the account you will be using to access Pinterest.

Are you following Design Dazzle on Pinterest? If not, follow me here.  I would love to follow you back!!

Please don't get to mad at me if you LOVE Pinterest and find a new hobby!