Judy Palkovic and husband designed and made this absolutely stunning playhouse for their little boy. Judy explains: My husband and I had always talked about building a playhouse when we started a family. Initially when we'd sit and talk about what the design would be for the house, we envisioned it for a little girl. So when we had our son, we had to rethink how to design it to suit a growing little boy turning 3 (it's part of his birthday present).
Let me preface this by saying that my husband is not a professional contractor or carpenter, and we're far from wealthy! We built this ourselves using free scrap wood, discount materials from surplus home builder centers, lots of careful planning and shopping on ebay, craigslist, etc...and lots of ingenuity, creativity, thought, and love! That's not to say that it was cheap to build, but that we took great pains to keep costs down and stay within our budget.

The old pine shelf on the wall was given an updated look with some coordinating red paint and wainscotting. The handmade wooden train was bought at a craft festival. Airplanes were hung from the ceiling to look as though they're soaring overhead.

The "garage"....

Wrench handles were made for the garage doors!

This is for sure the cutest and cleanest garage I've ever seen - complete with work bench.

Judy thank you for sharing such a wonderful playhouse with us! For more photos and information check out Judy's blog
Cutest Little Things.