Diaper cakes are all the rage. A diaper cake is a "cake" made up of diapers. It's not eaten and thus is zero calories : ). I made this cake for a friend Tami's baby shower last month. It's easy to make - but can be a little time consuming.
Supplies:One large disposable serving platter
100 diapers size 1 and 2
1 bottle of sparkling apple cider
package of 1/4 inch elastic
couple of rubber bands
couple of straight pins
decorations to decorate diaper cake
Scissors and a hot glue gun will help the process

The bottle of sparkling cider is used as an anchor to wrap the diapers around. It's also a fun way for family to celebrate the arrival of the new little baby.

Place the bottle in the middle of the serving tray. I wrapped diapers around the bottle and secured with a rubber band.

I kept adding diapers to the circle until I couldn't fit anymore around. The bottom cake layer has 60 diapers (mostly #2 size). I tied the 1/4 inch elastic around the perimeter of the diapers twice to keep them securely in place.

Add a 2ND cake layer of diapers with approximately 28 diapers - these were #1 size diapers. Make the 2ND layer a smaller tier.

Repeat for the top tier. This tier covers the bottle completely and used about 12 (#1 size) diapers. So all together 60 diapers for the bottom layer, 28 diapers for the middle layer and 12 diapers for the top layer = 100 diapers.

Most diaper cakes the diapers are visible behind ribbon that's been wrapped around the perimeter. I decided on this one to cover it in "white icing" which is an inexpensive piece of white fabric. I tucked the fabric in between layers and used a couple of pins to secure in place.

Decorations were added to make it a completely girly diaper cake. I wrapped eyelet lace and ribbon around each tier and secured with a little bit of hot glue. I purchased 2 peachy pink hydrangeas and a set of ballet shoes for the top. A darling pink carriage Christmas ornament is also on the top. The pearl letters were purchased in the dollar section at Michaels. There was no letter "y" so I made one from a "t" - just bent the top apart a little bit. I wish I had better pictures - it was a very pretty cake.

Place the diaper cake on a cake stand and get ready for plenty of oohs and aahs!