This totally cool nautical theme nursery with a pirate feel was designed by Elaine from
Our Semi-Homemade Life. The white beadboard is a perfect contrast with the blue and really makes the nursery feel nautical (hubby installed the beadboard).
Star Spangled (color 450-7) paint from
Pittsburgh Paints is the perfect color of blue painted on the walls. To purchase the five foot white ship vinyl decal click
here. The bumper is from PBK.

Elaine spray painted the oar and captain's wheel (purchased at Michaels) with white gloss paint. The dresser used to be dad's as a child and was painted black to cover the oak.

"It's a pirates life for me" vinyl decal can be purchased
Sweet child size rocker with matching bear and pillow.

What a wonderful, awesome nursery! Thanks to Elaine for sharing her son's nursery with our readers.