Linda MacDonald from Restyled Home built and designed this darling playhouse along side her husband for their little girl Sophie. Linda: "I decided to play it safe, and paint the playhouse yellow to blend in with our home. I flip-flopped between painting it pale pink or a soft, fresh green, but my reserved side kicked in, and yellow it is (that's not to say I won't change my mind and repaint it next year!). I used Flik and Company Blue on the door, and I am so happy with that. We used a locking doorknob, and she loves using her very own key to unlock it each morning! House numbers were hung above the door (her daddy made the door, too), and the old mailbox and door knocker I had kicking around. I purchased the outdoor "lights" at The Christmas Tree Shop, and no, we didn't run electricity to it".

Linda: "This is undoubtedly my favorite thing about the playhouse (the kitchen)! I had asked my husband to make a counter area of sorts that I could place her little stove on, and "sink a sink" into. I figured he'd just secure some wooden planks, and cut out the hole for the sink. Not my husband!! As I was painting, he took it upon himself to create the prettiest "butcher block" counter area I have ever seen! We used iron brackets to support it, and they look so nice. I had also told him I wanted the sink in the corner, and this is what he came up with." This is what you see when you open the front door:

Linda: "My husband was about to finish boarding in the eaves, when I decided that it would be so nice for her to be able to lie on the bed and look up at the trees (and stars). So, he made a plexi-glass window of sorts, and it is one of my favorite things about the little house. This is also a good view of the white-wash effect I decided on out of laziness (one-coat wonder!) and for the simple fact that I like it".

Thank you Linda for sharing your adorable playhouse with us. To view more adorable playhouse photos and see Linda's creative ideas visit -
Restyled Home. To get your creative juices flowing - here are some more photos of unique and creative playhouses:

An eco-friendly playhouse designed by Judith Needham -"Faced with buying her daughter a plastic play house, Needham put her weaving skills to work, designing and making a magical dream house out of willow". To read more about the the Dreaming Spires Willow Playhouse click

If your kid ever wanted to be a hobbit or have the funkiest playhouse on the block, check out this custom playhouse. The company
qb is based out of The Netherlands - they use sustainable wood and the playhouses are customizable.

Photo via
Mushroom cloud playhouse. Hhhmmmm... Photo via
Dietrich Wegner.

Tucked deep in the woods in a faraway place you might find a cottage this beautiful. The window boxes and decorative windows add to the cottage look. Photo via
Custom Play Houses.

Two very unique playhouses "the market" and "the hospital" - complete with electricity and I'm sure tons of fun. Photos via
Lilliput Play Homes. Did anyone have anything like this growing up?
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