The following comments are by Grant the Design Dad:
"This is a modern nursery for our first child, Carter. I didn't let my wife see the room for over a month. I was trying to achieve a space that was sanctuary for our first child. A room that could evolve as he gets older with very little effort. I wanted something that was simple and not too whimsical. But still held the heart and spirit of a child's world and was reflective a child's imagination and wonder. I chose a complementary color scheme and went to work! The wall/furniture art are all vinyl decals. The brown and white dresser is from Ikea. Originally the door fronts were black/brown as well but I dismantled them and painted them white. I then used white contact paper on the back of the frosted glass as I don't care for look of frosted glass door fronts once you actually have things behind them. Other items in the room: The wall art is from walltat.com, whatisblik.com and vinylwallart.com. The bedding is from Babies R Us, designed by Amy Coe (great designer for modern nurseries). The window panels are from Pottery Barn Kids. And my favorite...the rug is from Land Of Nod. I am very happy with the end result but even happier when I see my wife just sitting in the room looking around and taking all in." More incredible room photos here.