Friday, January 22, 2010

Indiana Jones Birthday Party... and More Party Ideas!!

The fabulous Donna of Party Wishes! came up with this Indiana Jones birthday party.

Donna describes the party: "After eating eyeball soup and other interesting delicacies, the guests search for coins in a vat of worms (spaghetti) blindfolded and they went through an obstacle course where the guests had to steal the skull statue, shoot the bad guy, crawl under a giant spider, swing across water and then out run a falling boulder and poison darts (straw wrappers shot by other guests). They finished their adventure by having cupcakes and ice cream."

This looks like way too much fun!!

 Whimsy & Wise created this fun "our little monkey is turning one" party


Loving these favor bags!

Pink and green party by Stacey of Elle Belle Baby

Adorable favors: lemonade mix in ball jars with tags and theme fabric

Priscila Barros of Little Miss Heirlooms, created this sweet vintage circus theme party. Priscila describes the party: "I did a "vintage" circus theme for my sons 4th birthday last August. It was loads of fun. I made the ticket booth out of a recycled refrigerator box, had a picture booth for the kids to take pictures at, a candy bar, popcorn cupcakes and my grandpa even did a magic show!" Check out the vintage circus party for more photos and fab ideas.

Garden party created by Christina of Twitterpated