My daughter wanted a fairy party for her 12th birthday. Who has a fairy party when you turn 12 (especially my 12 year old really going on 16 year old)??? So I came up with some creative ideas to make it age appropriate. This party was held a couple of years ago (Jamie is now 14).
When the guests arrived for the tea party, I mentioned what fairies enjoy doing. Fairies love tea parties, love sweets and candy. Fairies also love mud, taking baths and having their photos taken. So the guests enjoyed a tea party, made chocolate fairies out of candy molds. The guests were given a mud mask facial and made their own bath salts. At the end of the party the guests made fairy scrapbook pages for their photos that were taken during the party. It finally hit these cute girls, the party, the food, projects and events during the party was everything that fairies love to eat and do! Large fairy flowers (2 feet wide and painted on canvas) were laid out on the walkway leading to the house. Extra-large paper rose flowers and balloons also lined the walkway.

Fairy wings tea sandwiches

Fairy cake was made by a friend who covered the cake in pink fondant. I decorated the cake with silk flower petals and 3-d stickers (dragonfly). The fairy cake topper was purchased from the dollar store and sprinkled with glitter as was the flowers and the entire table (I have been known to go all out with glitter). It took me about 5 minutes to actually decorate the cake with the add-ons. The pretzel dragonflies were made with pretzels dipped in purple candy melts and sprinkled with purple rock sugar (click on view more photos). The confetti tea sandwiches are called fairy wings. I cut white bread with a heart shaped cookie cutter then cut the heart in half vertically and voila - fairy wings! Butter each fairy wing and sprinkle with confetti. The white flower cookies are sugar cookies with pink frosting and cut marshmallows for the flower. My husband actually cut the marshmallows for me with kitchen scissors dipped in hot water. Place the cut marshmallows on top of cookie, add a pink jelly bean and sprinkle with pink sugar. Notice in the photo there is a birdbath filled with candy pop rocks! The guests were served pink lemonade in their teacup and a couple of spoonfuls of pop rocks were added to make fairy tea. This was a hit at the party! Pop rocks need to be placed in the serving dish right before the party starts. If done to soon, they stick together and are not "spoonable". Also, cotton candy was placed in the teacup before the guests sat down -they enjoyed eating this before the fairy tea was served. To view more photos, click