I am just going to straight out brag about my kid. My son Cole is officially an Eagle Scout! There is a huge sense of satisfaction for my husband and I with my sons achievement. Last night we had an Eagle Scout Court of Honor for Cole and 4 other boys with about 250 in attendance. Since I was asked to be his mentor, I gave a 3 minute talk about my son and scouting (yes, in front of all those people). For those not familiar with the scout organization, Eagle Scout is the highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program. Did you know there are approximately 1.9 million young men with the title of Eagle Scout since its introduction in 1911? Not too many considering how many young men there are in the nation. Achieving the rank of Eagle is a long journey ending with a service project that will benefit many. I won't go into the long list of Eagle requirements - but it is a lot!! Okay, okay so I just had to brag a little!