Thanks Toni for having me over for Christmas Wonderful!I'm so honored and happy to be among such talented designers and crafters.
Today I'd love to share with you and your readers these adorable snowmen I made.
I used crumpled tissue paper, glue and then Gesso
, to make the styrofoam balls look like actual papier machè (a technique of my own).

To make the hats, just adhere sheet music on cardboard with paper glue, cut out a triangle, make a cone, and staple it to secure on the rear. Then finish off with lace, remnants etc and put on the head of your snowmen using hot glue.

To make these chaps perfectly wintr-y, I also incorporated wool yarn and scraps of mohair left from my handmade bears into their collars and to finish the hats off.

To make these chaps perfectly wintr-y, I also incorporated wool yarn and scraps of mohair left from my handmade bears into their collars and to finish the hats off.

My snowmen's noses are made with little tree branches, sharpened and inserted in the styrofoam balls. You can add one or two bigger ones under the head to create the bodies, and insert bare branches as arms. Paint happy faces with acrylics and finally, a generous sprinkle of clear glitter to make them sparkle!

... and voilĂ ! Ready to spread Christmas cheer!!

Monica x
Monica is a full-time italian artist and photographer, avid crafter and lover of all things beautiful. To learn more about her creative life, see more of her work and enjoy her free crafting tutorials, you can visit her blog, The White Bench.