I decided on a photo booth theme for our Christmas card this year. We set up a white board, tripod and set the self timer on the camera. We literally had a few minutes to take the shots before the battery ran out. Of course, I would have liked to have had a few extra shots to choose from. But my husband sure makes up for lack of shots with his goofiness! He was totally having a great time. I could make a Christmas card of just him and his photo antics. LOL
The photo booth idea is a good way to include family members in a Christmas card that aren't able to get together for a family picture. I have one son serving a mission in Idaho. He just can't pop home for a family photo ; ) (as much as I would love this).
If you have a Christmas card you would like to share, leave me a link in the comments and I'll make sure to check it out. Check out my family Christmas card from last year.
The card front and inside left and right.
Inside left
Inside right
I used this photo booth strip which is a free digital download. Thank you Sugarplum Paperie! The "wishing you a merry and bright 2012" is Echo Park Holly Jolly Christmas Elements (digital kit) purchased here.
I hope everyone enjoyed our "wonderful" 100 ideas of Christmas Wonderful series. A huge THANK YOU to the many bloggers who helped create and shared "wonderful ideas". We actually featured more than 100 ideas ; )
Do you need to prove for once and all that Santa does exist?? This is easy - only takes about 10 minutes. If you want to surprise your kids, have Santa come to your home.
We will be taking a short break and will be back posting our regular Design Dazzle posts soon.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas everyone!