Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Silverware, Glitter, and A Wreath

Hi Design Dazzle readers, its Mrs. Limestone of Brooklyn Limestone here. I am one of those people that you might catch humming Christmas music in July or thinking up a Christmas card design in September, so you can bet that I am in full effect now that the season is in full swing.

Today's project is rather simple but one of my favorites from last year. A dining room wreath using old silverware fashioned into 'snowflakes'. Don't you just love silver and gold (silver and gold...everyone together now!)?

I started with a evergreen wreath, mismatched flatware purchased for pennies at a thrift store, craft store floral picks, glitter, scrapbooking letters, spray glue and wire.


Spoons copy


I wired the spoons and forks in sets of three to each other and then to the wreath. Then I pulled apart some 50% off glittery picks from Michaels and tucked them between the greens. Finally, I glittered some scrapbooking letters to spell out 'ENJOY' and hung on the mirror in the dining room.



It was a great jumping off point to add bits of sparkle in the rest of the room like a twiggy brancholier and and worked perfectly with the vintage fork napkin rings I made a few weeks before. Visit Brooklyn Limestone for more holiday inspiration.

Hope this project gets your wreath making juices going. Thanks so much to Toni for asking me over to Design Dazzle. Merry Christmas!


I hope you're enjoying our 100 Ideas of Christmas Wonderful series. We have many more blog posts with lots of creative ideas shared by some very talented bloggers. Keep checking back daily for new "Christmas Wonderful Ideas".