Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tween Girls Spa Party

I never thought I'd style an event in my master bathroom...
…but it proved to be the perfect starting place for this ‘spa party’ that I designed for my niece and her best friend. As always, I began with color.

Young girls love nail polish in fun colors, and that can inspire your palette. In this case it was hot pink and turquoise {with a bit of black and white thrown in}.

I repeated the colors throughout the décor and spa necessities that I found at Five Below – a great store for affordable trendy items.

I especially love the Body Confetti {shown above in the tubes, and below sprinkled in the water}, which added color to the pedicure bath and fragrance to the entire bathroom.

After their facials and pedicures, the girls can let the toenail polish dry while enjoying lunch and dessert in the Luxe Lounge:

I transformed an area of our basement into this pretty, girly lounge. Using a couple of blankets, I covered a sofa and coffee table. Then, I borrowed those comfy white pillows from the bathroom and added a couple of smaller, eye-catching ones {I love the words printed on them}.

The backdrop: a beaded curtain layered over a sheet, secured to the ceiling with 3M removable hooks. Finally, I created a festive tablescape that included sweet treats and fresh flowers.

{a colorful spread}

{I took a picture of one of the 'word' pillows, printed it out, and used it to create custom wrappers for the chocolate bars}

{Homemade treats always add a personal touch. Here, I baked chocolate and vanilla 'hand' cut-out cookies.}

After lunch, the girls can clear away their plates to make room for manicures.

I think most young girls would enjoy a day of pampering with their BFF, and you can really customize a spa party at home to fit their tastes. What a great way to enjoy the last days of summer!

Budget-friendly sources for this design:

Mini-paper lanterns, ribbon: Michael’s

White pillows: Home Goods

Spa Neccessities: Five Below

Beaded hoops curtain:

Word pillows, towels: Wal Mart

Pink and white plates: Target

by Kelly Porter, featured contributor