Summer Camp: 20 ways to use pool noodles:
Pool noodles are such cheap fun play things - in and out of the pool. Pool noodles are made of polystyrene foam and are usually pretty inexpensive. I was at the Dollar Store recently and saw oodles of them. Here's a list of 20 ways to use pool noodles in and out of the pool...My Little Gems came up with slicing pool noodles and using the pieces as a fun lacing and pattern activity.
Use pool noodles and duct table to make jousting sticks.
Go here for complete instructions on how-to make a kids car wash using PVC pipe, pool noodles, etc.
A Harry Potter Quidditch tournament using pool noodles, hula hoops, etc looks like a lot of fun!
A cardboard box at the end of the marble race track catches all the marbles.
Practice your kicking skills with a goal post made of pool noodles.
A pool noodle, a garden hose and a couple of household items make a really cool sprinkler!
Make really cool shapes with Noodleblox connectors.
No-sew play cupcakes made with pool noodles.
Gather odds and ends around the house and have the kids make art with pool noodles. Show it off at the "art gallery".
Have a budding architect or engineer? Perfect chair project to try and figure out using pool noodles.
Pool noodles are a great idea for an obstacle course.
Make a floating pool shade for babies and little ones using pool noodles and pvc pipe.
Make a sculpture with pool noodles.
Do you have ideas or projects for summer time fun you would like to share with our readers? Fridays will be our linky party and giveaway day! All of the link-ups need to be related to summer fun with kids (babies, kids or teens). I will choose a few of my favorite links to feature over the weekend. Our first linky party will be this Friday July 1st.
Swim Noodle