This image is from here and is a model that represents the pacific-wide tsunami impact. Mother earth is powerful and can certainly create havoc. Millions of people are without drinking water, electricity or adequate food. My heart breaks when I think of the suffering. I am proud of the rescue and relief efforts that our country has sent to Japan - many other countries are also helping with the relief efforts.
We need to help our fellow brothers and sisters who live across the world and are in desperate need. Be careful of those who try to profit off of misery and desctruction. The Red Cross and Save the Children are well known organizations that I trust. The following was copied from MSNBC:
"Using your cell phone, you can text-message donations of $10 to the Red Cross. Text the letters REDCROSS to 90999 to make the $10 donation, or visit the organization's website.
Save the Children is accepting donations for its Children's Emergency Fund. "We are extremely concerned for the welfare of children and their families who have been affected by the disaster. We stand ready to meet the needs of children who are always the most vulnerable in a disaster,' said Eiichi Sadamatsu of the organization in a statement."
I for years have tried to be as prepared as possible for emergency situations (I still have a lot of work to do). When my children were younger, we had 3 day emergency kits prepared and ready at a moments notice. I need to update those kits. I also have two 55 gallon water storage barrels filled with water - we empty the water and refill every couple of years. We were living in Southern California at the time of the major Northridge earthquake- that quake made us realize how unprepared we were. Disasters like the recent earthquakes and tsunamis help remind all of us to get prepared as much as possible. Unfortunately, there are some disasters like the tsunami that hit with virtually no warning. I'm not sure how much preparation could have helped there. But for me, it's the peace of mind knowing that I've done what I can do ahead of time in case of disasters. Below are a few items that give you an idea of what you might want to look into for emergency preparation.
Grab-n-Go Emergency 2-Person 3-Day Back Pack
Sending love, hope and prayers to those suffering in Japan.