So many vinyl possibilities....
Isn't this so cute? Decals on the back window of your car or van sure makes it fun.
I luuuvvveee this. I wish my pantry was this organized. I just might have to get some vinyl labels!
Various temples....

So many sayings to choose from....
Visit the Say It On the Wall website and check out all their wonderful vinyl products - wall sayings, organizational titles, vinyl for glass blocks, primary themes, vinyl temple cutouts and much, much more! Become a blog follower to receive current promotions and read about creative vinyl uses.
Two ways to enter the giveaway:
Mandatory Entry become a fan of Say It On The Wall Facebook * 1 Extra entry - become a Design Dazzle follower (by adding yourself to the follower group on the sidebar)... would love to have you as a blog friend and reader : )
Each entry needs its own comment - if you entered all entries you would leave 2 separate comments. Two winners chosen using If winners fails to respond within three days, a new winner(s) will be chosen. You need to be at least 18 years old to be eligible for this prize. Winner responsible for any applicable taxes. Contest closes March 26th at 10:30 pm (PST). The winner will be announced March 27th on a blog post. Open to US residents.
This giveaway is now closed.