Silver craft paint – I purchased cheap .59 paint at Michaels Crafts
Dish washing liquid
Clear Contact paper or clear laminating sheet
Fathers Day Card - Download

I added a drop of black paint to help darken the silver. Paint the clear laminating sheet (or whichever clear sticky paper) with your paint mixture - you might need to paint two coats. Let completely dry.

This is an easy project that your kids will enjoy making! Of course, you could always give the card as is… but dad will have tons of fun scratching off his fathers day card to reveal the terms of endearment. The possibilities are endless with what you can do with these scratch off stickers!
Click here to down load the front of the fathers day card. Card stock paper is ideal for this card - regular printer paper is to lightweight.
Click here to down load the inside of the fathers day card:
I experimented with several types of clear sticky backed plastics i.e. contact paper, laminating sheet, mailing label and packaging tape. They all worked except the mailing label – that surface was not shiny and the paint wouldn’t scratch off. The packaging tape was easy to use if that’s all you have on hand. To make the tape easier to paint, I taped packaging tape (2 inch wide) onto wax paper and painted the silver paint mixture onto the tape. I had a laminating sheet on hand so that's what I ended up using.