As a mother of a three year old little girl with long blond hair in ringlet curls, I'm always looking for a new way to organize her hair bows. Let me show you who I'm talking about...
Yes, she's my everything! I just can't bring myself cut her curls so it's been a lot of ponytails and hair bows recently.... but how to organize her hair flair?
I've seen some adorable and crafty hair bow holders before, especially at local craft shows. I decided to create something fun and whimsical to contain the chaos!
Pretty cute, huh? Here's how I completed the crafty girl hair bow holder!

First I gathered my supplies:
- a wooden circle from Michael's for $5 (but I had a 40% off coupon)
- two spools of brown ribbon
- accent ribbon for the braids
- tiny elastic bands
- black craft markers
- clear nail polish
- small stencil sponge
- a cheap hair bow
- hot glue gun
- peach, pink, black acrylic paint
- white Scribbles dot paint
While I let the paint dry, I decided to prepare the ribbon for braiding. I cut 6 pieces into 24 inches each. I taped three of the pieces to the table (one side of the hairdo) and started to braid.
When each braid was complete, I secured the ends using small elastic rubberbands.
I then proceed to braid the other three ribbons together and secured with an elastic band as well. Now it's time for the bangs!
I cut some various short lengths of brown ribbon and hot glued them to the wooden face.
I then glued the braids to the top of the wooden circle down to about where the ears would hit. I didn't mind leaving the elastic band to show at the top of the head since I knew I would be covering it with a hair bow in just a bit.
Next I added some accent ribbon to cover the elastic bands on the bottom of the braids and a glued a large hair bow to the top of the face to cover the ends of the braids. I also added some clear nail polish to the ends of the ribbon to keep it from fraying.
Now it's time to paint the face! I used my little stencil sponge to apply black paint for the eyes (it made a perfect round circle!) and dotted the centers of her eyes with my white Scribbles paint.
I cleaned my little stencil sponge and used it to apply the pink paint for her cheeks. I then used my black craft markers to add a smile and eyelashes. The wooden circle came with a pre-drilled hole in the center, perfect for a cute little nose (and to use when hanging of course)!
And that's it! Just clip on your little lady's hair bows and hang on the wall!
Thanks for joining me for my very first guest blog at Design Dazzle! I hope you guys enjoyed this project and can't wait to share another adventure with you next month.
And Toni, thanks so much for inviting me to share!
Much ♥ to everyone, Erin
Thank you, Erin!! So glad to have you here for the next few
months ; ) I'm looking forward to your next post! )
months ; ) I'm looking forward to your next post! )