My teenage daughter enjoyed herself while making these super giant bubbles in our backyard. Like I said, "fun for all ages"! The colors and shapes produced are mesmerizing!

This is what the bubble wand stick looks like when dipped in bubble solution and "opened up" to make bubbles. Notice the washer at the bottom of the string this helps "weigh" down the string and doesn't interfere with the bubbles. Look closely and you'll see the bubble solution inside the entire area of the "triangle" shaped string and another smaller bubble forming.
Tutorial how-to make your own Super Giant Bubbles Kit...
Bubble Kit Supplies:
1 bowl - purchased at the dollar store
1 bottle of "Super Giant Bubble Solution" (recipe below). I used an empty bubble bottle and poured in my secret recipe and attached the label.
1 Set of Bubble Wand Sticks
Bubble Label (free printable below)
Cloth sack to keep everything together
1 Set of Bubble Wand Sticks
Bubble Label (free printable below)
Cloth sack to keep everything together
Bubble Wand Sticks

Bubble Wand Sticks:
2 wood dowels 3 feet in length
2 eye screws
1 washer (heavy enough to weigh down cord)
12 feet cotton piping cord (can be found in sewing stores)
cut into two lengths one 8 feet and one 4 feet
cut into two lengths one 8 feet and one 4 feet
Super Giant Bubble Recipe...
I used Dawn (blue) dish washing soap. The recipe is cloudy at first but gets clear after a day or so. Stir occasionally to help dissolve the cornstarch. If you want your bubbles to have a little more staying power, here is the secret ingredient mix a tube (3 oz.) of personal lubricant (yes, that is correct) with 1 cup of very warm water - mix well. After it cooled I added the water/lubricant to the above recipe. The lubricant was purchased at the dollar store. This recipe is the exact solution we used to make the giant bubbles including the addition of personal lubricant.
Free printable: SUPER cute bubble kit labels and coordinating "instructions" label.

Print the "Super Giant Bubbles Kit" label onto 4x6 photo paper for the perfect looking label. Punch a hole in the corner, thread with heavy duty string and tie onto the cloth sack.
Super Giant Bubble Kit labels - 4" x 6" in size.
To download the free printable click on the color of your choice...
To download the free printable click on the color of your choice...
Instructions on how to use the Super Giant Bubbles Kit.
Instructions label download printable here.
Label for bubbles bottle.
Download printable here.
A big thank you to Jenny from PrintablePartyPacks for creating the darling bubble labels.
Download printable here.
A big thank you to Jenny from PrintablePartyPacks for creating the darling bubble labels.
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