What is ClearPlay? "ClearPlay is a DVD player that enables your family to enjoy all of the great Hollywood movies you’ve always wanted to watch—without all of the junk you don’t want. The ClearPlay DVD player seamlessly skips and mutes content based on 12 categories that you can set." The DVD is never physically altered during the process. You can watch a DVD movie you own or rent and the DVD player will play it like a regular player; before you watch the movie, you can select which content you want to filter. The only thing you change is the items you don't want to watch in the movie i.e. violence, strong profanity, explicit drug use, sexual situations, etc. Filters are available to members via a very easy-to-use download process via a USB drive. The USB drive is inserted into your DVD player and the movie will automatically be filtered. Clearplay has 1000's of movie filters.
The annual membership to receive filters is $79.99. If you choose - you can play the Clearplay DVD player without a membership and filtering movies. To enter to win this giveaway of one high-def DVD player and a one year Clearplay membership, please go to Clearplay and check out the list of movie filters. Then come back here and leave a comment on this blog post about why you would love to win this DVD player. Contest closes April 25th at 11:00 pm (PST).
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